Good friend Grif sent me a link to a press release at for the new limited edition black version of the Canon Digital Rebel camera. The photo of the camera is actually of the Japanese version, where they’ve always had the choice of a black version. This was one of the things that was putting me off getting the digital rebel, especially when I saw the black version while in Tokyo.
They also have a review of my current favourite choice for my digital SLR (when I finally get around to buying it!), the Canon 20D. This would seem to be the better choice at the moment, although it is quite a lot more expensive so I might change my mind again if the black version of the rebel is available for the same price as the regular version.
another reason to go with the 20d is it has better lenses than the rebel kit. adorama has a bundled price ($2k!) on it with a nice lens (outta stock, though)…