Blue & Yellow

The last of the shots from the last Hawaii trip that I wanted to post here. This was taken in the Dole Plantation garden. Not sure why I liked it when I took it, and even now I don’t really know what appeals to me about it. I’d been debating whether to post it or not ever since I cropped it down to the square shape it is here, which I did the same night I prepared many of the other Hawaiian photos from the trip for posting.

It is so mysterious that I almost posted it without words, like I did with the Hawaiian beach panoramic. I don’t think that would have worked as well though. The beach scene was a tranquil, peaceful scene that words, much like voices, would have spoilt. This is just mysterious, almost alien.

I hope you like it, or, perhaps even better, become as mystified about its appeal as I am 🙂

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