Around 5am on Sunday morning as crowds of runners prepare for one of the three races. Down at the ferry building it was becoming a pleasant morning; further around the course, up by the Golden Gate bridge and even in the park, the morning fog so typical of San Francisco was still dense and the air was cold and wet as a result.
By just after 8am (5 hours into the day for me) my girlfriend was finished with the run, and we were heading off to dim sum with friends. All of that before I normally wake up on a Sunday, or, for that matter, any day of the week.
Check on your results (or results of friends) over at the official marathon website.
congrad to your girl friend, I had a friend who ran the marathon and she is still hurting-sore muscles-but crossing the finish line she said was one of those moments in your life which you will always remember. She raise over $2000 for AIDS organizations so I am proud of her…it is more then I have ever done for someone else.
It is amazing what you can accomplish when you get up early…I was probably still asleep as your girl friend crossed the line.
Well done Kitty. John, I am sure you will be joining her next time? James and I will of course be available for your wake up call ;0)