Following the sugar museum, we decided to spend the afternoon at Maui’s aquarium: the Maui Ocean Center. While perhaps not as large as the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Maui Ocean Center is nonetheless impressive. In addition to a section full of tropical Hawaiian fish, there were green sea turtles, hammerhead sharks and a walk-through tube in a tank filled with sharks, stingrays, puffer fish and many others.
The turtles were only too happy to swim over and investigate any humans standing alongside their tank, as you can see from the photo (you can see another photo in my Flickr area).
While on the subject of turtles, I was looking for a smaller print of a turtle photo by Victoria McCormick that I saw in a few places on Maui, but I can’t even find that photo on her website. Instead, I bought one called Ocean Light by Monica & Michael Sweet which I liked almost as much. I also liked the one called Covered in Sand – picking just one was a difficult choice.
Finally, a word of warning to those visiting who are also members of the Pacific Whale Foundation: there is a 10% discount for members, but the staff on the ticket counter did not tell us this even when asked directly about it.