Faith Partially Restored

In the last few weeks I have received two requests from people who would like permission to use one of my photographs for a project that they are working on.

The first was for a shot of some meerkats at Oakland Zoo, to be used in an educational program at the Boston Museum of Science. The second was the shot of California’s Capitol building shown to the right, being used on a web page for a student lobbying day event. Thank you both for asking first.

In general, I have no problem with people using my photos for non-commercial reasons as long as they ask first. I am less impressed by the increasing number of people using my photos on their pages at myspace, xanga, livejournal and other similar sites without asking or even adding a credit. Beyond my limit though is usage by sites like on pages that require a paid subscription; that is unauthorised commercial usage.

4 thoughts on “Faith Partially Restored

  1. Copyright notice restored; not sure how I lost it (I suspect it was when I moved to this layout). As for tracking, it only works for direct linked images and then the log files from the web server contain the referrer string which tells me the page that linked the image. The top two are local links from pages here on my site and Google’s image search feature.

  2. Hey John,
    What a honor to have your photo used by those two groups. I enjoy seeing you pictures and reading your comments. You are very talented.

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