We were in the sales office today and learned of a new sales procedure to be used from the next release (in two weeks). Instead of the in-person lottery, they are going to use a telephone based system where people call in and leave a message on the answerphone indicating the lot they are interested in, and optionally a second choice. The sales office will call the winners back later on the Saturday, or on Sunday to make an appointment for the initial paperwork to be completed.
I have also tried to update the graphs from the information Carl provided (with some different phase numbers taken from the old master plan, and the fact that the next Cove release is in fact phase 44 (which matches the original plan).
Hope to see you around Bayport soon 🙂
The last Pointe release was Phase 45, so I don’t think the next Cove release will be 44. btw, the graph for Plan 10 shows Phase 38 instead of Phase 45.
Thanks for maintaining the graphs.
Cove Phase 46 (March 24)
7: 968240
8: 981105
9: 1038897
Hey John, when do we see around in Bayport? 🙂
Harbor Phase 48 (May 13)
3: 840714
4: 875084
5: 899754
Hey John, are you still looking at Bayport? Can you please update the charts when you get a chance?
I’ll be moving in 7/28. Just trying to connect with the neighbors 🙂
Hey John, long time no hear … are you still pursuing Bayport?
We are still thinking about it, but at the moment both of us are so busy with work that it is hard to find the time. We are also a little concerned about the market at the moment, especially after they dropped the price on one of the #10’s to be lower than the plans we’re interested in.
Are you referring to:
122 9CL $1,052,396
104 10BR $1,050,448
This might be because 104 is located across the school …
No, last time we were in there they had a plan 10 on the sales list for under $1M, while the plan 9 we were looking at was around the $1,050,000 line. When I asked about it I was told it was an experiment to see if it was the price that was making the 10s hard to sell.
John, hope you are enjoying the new home. Any chance of updating the graphs with the new info?
Check out the new prices: