Irish Harp Pub, Berlin

Irish Harp Pub, BerlinRather than any cliché photos of tourist attractions in Berlin, I present a urinal from an Irish pub. OK, I was in the pub for a reason: my laptop needed charging and they had a table next to a power outlet and a Wi-Fi hotspot on the premises for me to use.

The mens urinals though were equipped with little ball games (as shown in the photo). I’d heard of these before, but never actually seen one. The orientation seems a little odd on these ones – I can only guess they were designed for a different brand of porcelain fixture!

Still, the little red ball fades to a pale pink as the shooter hits; a feature no doubt intended to encourage more precise aim 🙂

Remember you can keep up with the more serious aspects of my travels around northern Europe at the Devicescape blog.

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