YouTube: Http/1.1 Service Unavailable

YouTube UnavailableSeems like YouTube is having some problems this morning… An hour or so back I was looking at some videos shot in Antarctica, but now all I get is an error message – Http/1.1 Service Unavailable.

Update: It’s back!

108 thoughts on “YouTube: Http/1.1 Service Unavailable

  1. This only happens to me when I make anti-obama comments.

    I had heard this is actually a malicious attack, and not some simple error.

  2. but I have downloaded Opera on my pc

    i m not coming in on or, therefore, I have downloaded Opera

  3. En mexico ensenada baja california (down below san diego california) is also failing ๐Ÿ™

  4. Well, it’s not exactly down. The video pages are working properly, even playlists, but the main page, the /channels page, the individual channel pages, logging in etc. doesn’t work at all.

  5. Hey you all know this is to cause media hype? it will probbly be on the news too… so lets all stfu before youtube take over microsoft…

  6. Whats going on with Youtube?
    Does anyone think it is being Censored? as them stupid Laws that SEAL OUR LIPS Are passing every damb rule to stop the truth getting out.
    Its sickening to think that that anything that tells the truth is classed as a Terrorist.
    I was always bought up to tell the truth, why is it that there are so many liars out there blocking anything thats honest?
    Is anyone else having the same problem Im In UK ?
    ERROR MESSAGE Http/1.1 Service Unavailable

  7. ok, i just checked twitter and sooo many people are talking about it. wtf? haven’t seen anything helpful yet.

  8. Oh well, it just happened to me too. I guess I’m going to have do some homework instead. lol

  9. plixx….
    but I’m bored you know why I speak here but I had problems with Http fack azz …. but it is over. can I get msn to someone here ????=) just wondering I’m in Norway or rather act I live in Norway hehe

  10. I was reading earlier that Chinese hackers have been infiltrating Google and shutting down Youtube.Amazon,Sony,Ebay and others seem to have hackers continuously trying to disrupt their securty and cause problems.Hopefully Google can close any access points theyre using.

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