Too Rough

Too RoughAs you can see from the photo, the weather out on the bay tonight was far too rough for the ferry service to be running. With rough seas like that, what captain would want to risk taking their high tech catamaran ferry out of the safety of its dock.

Seriously, tonight’s ferry services from San Francisco to Alameda/Oakland was canceled. The service website said this:

Due to extreme weather conditions, ferry service is canceled for the remainder of today.

Does it look that bad? And remember that they ran the boats quite happily through the worst of the weather this morning.

Bus Bridge

As a replacement for the commute ferries, a bus service was operating, but the bus carried around half the normal load of the evening ferries, and was timed to depart from the ferry building 10-15 minutes before the normal ferry departure time. If I was being cynical, I’d say that was by design to encourage people to use alternatives and lighten the load on the buses!

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