
Ping-o-Matic! is a service that can be pinged when a new entry is added to your blog, and they will then ping a number of other aggregator services.

“So what?” you ask… well, they also have a list of the last 100 sites that pinged them. I spent a very long time just selecting a link, opening a new tab and going to the link. A few don’t work, a few are in foreign languages, but most are blogs to check out. Some personal, some small businesses. The only down side is that they are not clickable links at the moment.

For clickable links, you could try instead (Ping-O-Matic! pings

Update: Seconds after posting this, I try to go back to and I am presented with a username/password box. I guess that they are having server troubles (it is an MS IIS that they are running on according to the error I got by not giving them a username/password).

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