Bayport Phase 14

Another lottery at Bayport Alameda; another wasted morning 🙁

There were only four houses on offer this time (the fifth in phase 14 was pre-sold). Turnout seemed to be about the same as for the last couple; much higher than for the first few lotteries though. The process is also becoming much more streamlined now. Arriving at about 8:45am there were only a few people there, but coffee, cookies, cakes and doughnuts ready. Around 9am they open the doors, but only let small numbers of people in (taking names, contact numbers and plan numbers that you are interested in just in case one of the “winners” should drop out later on). Once everybody is processed, they do the lottery out in the main courtyard area now (the first couple were just outside the door of the sales office, on the models side – that area is now too small to hold everybody). The numbers are drawn, and the lucky person/people get to choose the lot that they want from those left in that day’s release, or pass if they do not want any of the remaining plans.

If any of the folks at Warmington Homes are reading, I have a suggestion for how to improve the fairness of the lottery process… Rather than giving everybody just one ticket, they should be given one for the new release plus one for every other release of the same collection that they’ve attended previously. That way those who have been turning up time and time again, but never been drawn, get some credit for their previous attempts. Of course, dropping the whole lottery thing and just selling the houses to people first come, first served would be even better 🙂

Since several people have commented on the master plan, I updated it with the last few releases. I changed the format slightly to make it easier for me to maintain too – the phases that have been sold are now grey, and the models are shaded red. For those not familiar with the master plan, Atlantic Avenue runs along the bottom of the map, with Alameda College on the right, and the former naval air station off to the left. Also, I don’t know the current state of the Landing phases; if anybody reading knows which they’ve sold already, let me know and I’ll update the plan. Click on the thumbnail above to get a larger version.

I’ve also created Bayport category here on my blog for all the Bayport-related posts, and moved all the old posts into that category too.

Finally for this week, I also created charts for the average price of each plan from one phase to the next for each of the collections (except Landing as I have no information for that one). Note that this is not necessarily a fair comparison as the mix of options has changed from one release to the next.

There is one Harbor phase missing, phase 10, as I cannot find the price sheet for that – if anybody could let me have those prices I will add them in as well.

Update: Thanks to Carl H. I have fixed the price for the plan 6 house in the phase 6 release of the Cove collection that was wrong in my original graph, and also added the prices for phase 10 to the Harbor graph.

15 thoughts on “Bayport Phase 14

  1. Good suggestions re: the lottery. Perhaps you should send them to as well? The charts are way too cool. I’ve been tracking the avg prices myself 🙂 btw, the data re: the phase #s in charts is somewhat incorrect.

    Pointe: Phase 5, 12
    Cove: Phase 1, 6, 8, 14
    Harbor: Phase 2, 4, 7, 10, 11


  2. Re: the presold houses, you are eligible if you work for the City of Alameda, Catellus or Warmington.

  3. I have fixed the phase numbers for the Pointe release graph – thanks for pointing that out (cut & paste error in the spreadsheet!). [Remember to clear your browser cache if you’ve looked at the images before otherwise you’ll get the cached version.]

    For the Harbor releases, I don’t have the prices for phases 2 or 10; if you have the numbers for those I would be more than happy to integrate them into the spreadsheet and generate new graphs.

    Update: I have also sent the suggestions for the lottery improvements to the email address suggested. I will let everybody know what the response is (assuming I get one).

  4. Thanks for keeping us posted on all things Bayport for the last few months. I completely agree with you about the ticket system. It isn’t fair for prospective buyers who have been there for five, six, seven times to stand and watch as first timers get picked (I know that one of the couples that was chosen yesterday was a newbie). After dragging our butts there five times, we were finally chosen for a home…I think that it was just karma, so hopefully you will be chosen soon too! Good luck at the next release – we hope that you’ll be one of our neighbors sooner rather than later!

  5. I was puzzled by the drop in Phase 6 prices for Cove (plan 6), so I looked it up. The actual prices for plan 6 are:

    Phase 1: 754135

    Phase 6: 774132

    There was only one plan 6 in each of these two phases, so it was quite easy to compute the avgs 🙂

  6. I hope more folks discover this blog and it turns out to be a forum for the eventual residents of Bayport 🙂

    It will be interesting to see how the graphs look in a few months, clearly the demand for housing in the bay area appears insatiable. btw, the big jump in the Harbor prices in Phase 11 is indicative of the bigger lot sizes in that release.


  7. John, do you have the pricing/options list for phase 14? Would it be possible to for you to post a scanned copy temporarily? I have misplaced mine 🙁

  8. This is an excellent resource for prospective Bayporters! Thanks, John! On a side note, does anyone know where to find interior pix of the models?

  9. Avg prices for Phase 15:

    Plan 11: 936295

    Plan 12: 972583

    There are two Plan 12s, one Plan 11 and no plan 10 in this phase. Perhaps we can extrapolate the price for plan 10 using the above data (when drawing the tracking chart), which show an increase of approx 2% from phase 12.

    See you folks tomorrow!

  10. First of all, I wanted to thank you all for such an informative site here. Really helpful for the rest of us prospective buyers.

    I emailed bayport and made a suggestion regarding the process of drawing. We were one of the first ones to be given a ticket. But we noticed that most numbers that were picked were numbers given last. So the suggestion was to make sure to mix or shake the plastic container well. I got a response back and was told that they will take that into consideration, which is good. 🙂

    Since the number of people that shows up for the lottery is getting bigger, I just hope that they add more homes per release date.

    Oh, and just wanted to say “congratulations” to all those who were picked.

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