Photography for Kids

There is a great photo over on the PhotoSydney blog taken by a five year old. This is even more motivation to get the Dakota PV2 cameras I have converted for reuse and running so that I can give them to some kids I know. These would be a great, low cost (under US$20) introduction to digital photography, and if it gets broken it is not a big deal.

4 thoughts on “Photography for Kids

  1. Hi John, couldn’t find an email address for you, so posting here. Was doing a search for wireless in alameda and saw that you’re in(to) both. Have you checked out “Alameda Wireless” yet?

  2. Hey John – thanks for the link. I was thinking of your post on the Ritz PV2 when I uploaded the photos. I think getting the kids started on photography while young is a great idea.

  3. Pingback: PhotoSydney

  4. Hi, Couldn’t find your email address, so I’m posting here. I’ve got a CVS-version of the Dakota PV2 camera that I’ve started hacking up (having already the original version apart with the tools at, etc.). Used your Linux usbtool program to pull out the flash contents. Can you tell me how you got the USB port dump at the beginning of your page? Also, have you got any more tools/insights you are willing to share? I’d like to get this recognized under Linux by something like gPhoto, but most of the driver tweaks seem to be for Windows and something like “Che-ez”? Anyway, any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks – Matt

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