As ever, Carl was quick to provide the average prices; I have been swamped at work though and did not manage to get the graphs updated for phase 32. So here is an update for both 32 and 34 (which is being released this morning). I think we’re going to wait for phase 37 since the Cove plans are the ones we are really interested in. I just hope that the dates for the next few Cove releases do not clash with any of our pre-booked travel…
As always, the master plan is updated as well with these two phases now greyed out.
I’m interested in how the prices have increased over time, and I was wondering if you could add the month/year for each data point (phase #) on the x-axis.
I actually don’t have the dates, and didn’t note them in the spreadsheet. Sorry. If anybody else has the dates, I would be happy to record them in the spreadsheet as well.
These are the dates that I have:
Phase 19 – Pointe – 2/26/05
Phase 22 – Cove – 3/19/05
Phase 27 – Harbor – 4/30/05
Phase 29 – Cove – 6/25/05
Phase 31 – Cove – 7/23/05
Phase 32 – Harbor – 7/30/05
Phase 34 – Harbor – 8/27/05
Phase 35 prices (release date: Oct 1)
3: 804214
4: 840251
5: 862188
I have the dates for most of the releases and will post them.
This pdf file pops up when I submit a comment:
Don’t understand where the PDF is coming from – I don’t see any mention of the file or the URL on the server itself. I was running a beta version of the spam killing software I use, which I’ve now upgraded to the final version. I’ve also lowered the strictness level again – I raised it last week to try to block some trackback spam that was getting through to the moderation queue, but it also seemed to catch too many real comments so I was meaning to lower it again anyway.
Release dates. Jennifer’s earlier posting has the other dates. I couldn’ find a date for Phase 2.
Phase 1 – Cove: 3/27/04
Phase 4 – Harbor: 5/15
Phase 5 – Pointe: 6/27
Phase 6 – Cove: 7/24
Phase 7 – Harbor: 7/24
Phase 8 – Cove: 8/7
Phase 10 – Harbor: 8/21
Phase 11 – Harbor: 10/2
Phase 12 – Pointe: 10/2
Phase 14 – Cove: 11/6
Phase 15 – Pointe: 11/20
Phase 16 – Cove: 11/20
Phase 18: Harbor: 1/22/05
Phase 21: Harbor: 3/19
Phase 23/25: Harbor: 4/02
Phase 30: Harbor: 6/25
Phase 35: Harbor: 10/01
Phase 2 was 04/17/04
mia_5 posted the average prices for Phase 2 as well.
3 – $661840
4 – $685840
5 – $702173
btw, the next release will be around the 22nd (phase 36: Pointe and 37: Cove). Please check with the office for the exact dates and good luck.