So, for reasons I won’t go into, I needed to install the latest version of ActiveSync on my old Windows XP Home system. Seems that there is a problem though with InstallShield and SP2 on some systems. Rather than installing the software, it justs exits with an error about a wizard being interrupted. Should send it to Hogwarts I guess. What annoys me more than anything is that this is a Microsoft product, downloaded from their own website.
In an attempt to solve this I have tried uninstalling everything I’ve added recently, uninstalling SP2 (which was recommended by MS in one of the pages I found) and even a whole array of command line options for the setup tool. None of these work. Even worse, this has been a known problem for over a year now. How come software that is being released in the last few months by Microsoft is still doing this. Are they incapable of fixing errors in their own products? Of course not, they simply do not care.